In case you missed it – UFSC AABFP


With all the happenings in Washington, D.C. right now, you might be wishing you attended the Urban Financial Services Coalition (UFSC) African American Briefing for Financial Professionals (#AABFP) in Washington DC recently!
In case you missed it, the UFSC #AABFP gave you an in person, “behind the curtain” look at some of the national and global effects on your Financial Services job and the Financial Services Industry (Accounting, Banking, Compliance, Credit Card, Financial Planning, Fintech, Forex, Insurance, Marketing, Real Estate, Regulation, Securities, Technology, etc.). You also came away with phone numbers of contacts who are at the top of their “game” across the country.

We are grateful for the work that Chairman Ditu Kasuyi and the #AABFP committee put in to produce an event that provided rich opportunities for the attendees!
[heading textcolor=”default” top=”10″ bottom=”10″ textalign=”text-center” size=”1″ class=””]What some attendees said:[/heading]

D from D.C. said:The opportunity to speak with global economists and senior corporate financial services executives helped me better understand where I am in my career right now and my other options.
M from North Carolina said:Exposure to the political process and its impact on communities of color through the prism of the financial services industry was absolutely eye opening.
A from Canada said:Fellowship with financial professionals, from millennials to boomers, focusing on problem solving was outstanding.
C from California said:Being able to meet people that I see on TV and be able to ask them questions was fascinating!
D from Missouri said:I was totally amazed and inspired by the tour of the Smithsonian African American Museum. I never knew about the towns of free blacks that functioned with self contained banking, medical care, education, etc. during the slavery period! I need a week to really take it all in!
W from New York said:The event and conversation about careers and entrepreneurship at Georgia Browns Restaurant was outstanding.

**We hope you take advantage of the of the 2017 Annual UFSC Summit being held at the Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City July 23 to July 29! RSVP at
To your continued success,
President Roderick Hayes and the UFSC Board of Directors